P. Echols


Cullum File:  3387 - Echols, Charles P. Died May 21, 1940.

This file contains items dealing with the period immediately after the death of Echols. Some documents about his retirement. A few Association of Graduates documents from 1928.


1940-08-01. G. Harrison Echols, 122 East 42nd Street, NY, NY, to CPT Edward L. Munson, Jr., Secretary of Asso. Grads. Thanks for copy of resolution adopted by Asso G about my uncle, Colonel Echols.

1940-07-30. A. B. Echols, DuPont Building, Wilmington, Deleware, to Munson thanking him for AG resolution for his late uncle, COL Echols.

1940-07-23. Munson to Mr. Angus Echols, Greenville, Delaware. Sends copy of resolution by AG re Echols.

There is a list of 10 names sent from The First National Bank, Huntsville, Ala. This is doubtless a list of relatives. Will copy.

1940-05-26. Colonel Lewis Stone Sorley, 229 Long Lane, Upper Darby, PA, to March, Sect AG. Have you been promoted to Major? Last January when our class president, Gen. Palmer Pierce, died, the class of 1891 held and election naming Echols president and Sorley VP. Now that Echols died you can consider me class president. Asks about several other people.

1940-05-31. March to Sorley. Not promoted yet. Echols, at the time of his death, was working on obituaries of COL Fiebeger (completed) and Gen. Pierce (status unknown). "Knowing of General Bradley's intimacy with Colonel Echols, I immediately [upon learning of he death of Echols] wrote to the former asking him if he would make an effort to obtain such work as Colonel Echols had completed and it it was necessary to finish the sketch for us."

1940-07-01. Huntsville, Ala. " My Dear Col. Piper, Thank you for your beautiful wreath and your kind sympathy. Sincerely. Susan Echols Watts." That is the whole note. To it are stapled two letters, noted below.

1940-05-10. ?? to Echols. "My dear Pop," is the salutation. Offers to nominate him to the University Club. The author is with the South Brooklyn Railway Company and is about to retire. Typed letter; could not copy because of staples.

"Saty"  "Dear Alec". Handwritten note from Echols. I quote in full: "I have your nice note --- Since I spoke to Pat [Rafferty, who is mentioned in the previous letter], the world has turned upside down and I think we are fools if we go along with World Fairs and Clubs etc as if nothing was happening to the rest of decent mankind. So I'm going to thank you and ask you and Pat to hold up the proposition for awhile. I expect to contribute my initiation fee and as much else as I can scrape together to Mr. Winston Churchill in the near future in the earnest hope that he can save us all from calamity by fighting our battles for us. I think we are due eventually to active participation and the sooner we make up our minds, the more useful we can be. \par Clubs and million dollar operas with Gourndamamcing [?] House Howlers [??] can afford to wait awhile. \par Sorry you are troubled with a lame leg. [mentioned in first letter]. I'm having hell with a poisoned jaw tooth which has just been yanked. \par My best ever and I hope to see you soon. \par Sincerely \par Chas. P. E. Puckles."  Curiously, he signs with his nickname.


I copied quite a few documents from this file.