Descriptive Geometry

The following works deal with descriptive geometry, primarily its history.

Coolidge, Julian Lowell
A history of geometrical methods.
Dover Publications, Inc., New York 1963 xviii+448 pp.
    Book I section VI is on Descriptive Geometry.   28 #3357 50.00 (01.01)

Sakarovitch, Joël(F-PARIS5-MI)
Épures d'architecture. (French. French summary) [Architectural diagrams]
De la coupe des pierres à la géométrie descriptive, XVIe--XIXe siècles. [From stone cutting to
descriptive geometry, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century] Science Networks. Historical
Studies, 21.
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1998. xii+427 pp. sFr. 168.00. ISBN 3-7643-5701-0
CMP 1 718 646 (2000:04) 01-XX (51N05)
Rickey has copy

Balinski, M. L.(F-POLYP-EC)
Gaspard Monge: pour la patrie, les sciences et la gloire. (French) [Gaspard Monge: for the
motherland, science and glory]
Mathématiques appliquées aux sciences de l'ingénieur (Santiago, 1989), 21--37,
Cépaduès, Toulouse, 1991.  93a:01042 01A70 (01A50 01A55)