Calculus at West Point


In 1908 Granville's Differential and Integral Calculus was adopted to replace Professor Bass's text. 

In 1937, Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus by Granville, Smith and Lngley replaced Integral Calculus by Murry which had been used in the Department for 36 years. Differential Calculus had been taught from Granville's texts for 30 years. 

1948: A "unified calculus" text was adopted enabling coordinated and integrated instruction in Differential and Integral Calculus. This text replaced the one by Granville, Smith and Longley, various editions of which were used in the Department for 40 years. 

Smail, Lloyd Leroy, (1888- ), Calculus, New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts [1949]. MATH DEPT-THAYER QA303 .S59

1952: Revised edition of Elements of Calculus by Granville, Smith and Longley adopted in place of text by Smail. Various editions of Granville had previously been used in the Department during the period 1908-1945 [sic].