Fred Rickey's History of Mathematics Page



Steven Rockey, Mathematics Librarian at Cornell, has prepared a list of sites that digitalize mathematics works.

Here is a rather nice site with pictures of the graves of mathematicians.

By popular demand I have posted my Calendar of Mathematical Dates for use in your classroom.


There are two groups in the US which meet regularly and read original sources. ORESME meets in the Cincinnatti area and ARITHMOS meets at Western Connecticut State Universtity. Full details are available on their web sites. Here is some additional information: Both groups have read some of the works of Georg Cantor (here are some works by and about him ). ARITHMOS has discussed John Wallis and also had a meeting about Twentieth Century Logic where they read papers by Church, Turing (Post's critique), and Post. Of necessity, these groups are small, but if you have a serious interest in history you ought to think of starting your own.

The February 2005 meeting deals with Euler's Introductio. I have written a A Reader's Guide to Euler's Introductio. Here is a list of errata in Blanton's translation of Euler's Introductio.

Dominic Klyve and Lee Stemkoski, graduate students at Dartmouth, have a page listing all of Euler's publications, and copies of some of them.

Links to History of Mathematics on the web.

One of my favorite things to do is to visit rare books rooms. Here are details on a few of my favorites:


Portraits of Mathematicians:

I am often asked where I get the overheads that I use in talks. This is a hard question to answer, for many of them come from the original texts. There are not too many collections of photographs that are (moderately) easy to access, but here are a couple:

Questions I have:

  1. Do you know anyplace that has any glass stereopticon slides? I have some produced by L. C. Karpinski and others produced under the direction of  David Eugene Smith.

I am preparing a volume of Historical Notes for Calculus Teachers.

The early life of Kenneth O. May and a bibliography of his publications.

Cardano on the cubic: 1, 2, 3. Pollin.

The impact of ballistics on mathematics. A work just started.

Napoléon inconnu (1895): Title and Table of Contents, Premier cahier sur l'artillerie, principes d'artillerie.