Journals Containing History of Mathematics

Math 311. History of Mathematics. Prof. Rickey. Spring 1995.

The following periodicals are good sources of historical material on mathematics. I would advise you to look at a volume or two of each while doing your second library assignment. At the same time think about topics for your research paper. Naturally there are many other periodicals that contain historical papers.

  1. Historia Mathematica

    Devoted entirely to the history of mathematics. Included are papers, reviews of books, and short abstracts of new books and articles. The later provide hints as to where else to look for information.

  2. Scripta Mathematica

    Devoted to the philosophy, history and expository treatment of mathematics. The early volumes make very interesting browsing.

  3. The Mathematics Teacher

    A journal specifically devoted to the high school curriculum which is published by NCTM, an organization prospective teachers should join. Numerous historical articles have appeared over the years. See especially the "Historically Speaking" column that appeared in the fifties. There is a cummulative index to volumes 1-58 (1909-1965) and another for 59-68 (1966-1975).

  4. The American Mathematical Monthly

    Devoted mainly to the university curriculum. There is an index for the first 80 volumes, 1894-1973.

  5. Isis

    The most important journal devoted to the history of the sciences. A noteworthy feature is the critical bibliography that appears at the end of each volume.

  6. Consortium. The Newsletter of tthe Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications

    Each issue contains a column specifically designed for high school students and teachers. Write COMAP, 60 Lowell Street, Arlington, MA 02174 to get on the mailing list.

    Expository journals with occasional historical articles.

  7. Mathematics Magazine.
  8. The College Mathematics Journal.
  9. Mathematical Intelligencer.
  10. American Journal of Physics
  11. Journal for the History of Astronomy
  12. Physics Teacher
  13. Scientific American

    The following are research journals. It is worth while to look at them and to note the different level of exposition:

  14. The British Journal for the History of Science.
  15. Annals of Science.
  16. Archives Internationales D'Histoire Des Sciences.
  17. History of Science.
  18. Archive for History of Exact Sciences.

    These last two do not contain papers, but abstracts of papers. Look in the section on the history of mathematics to get some idea of the wealth of material that is being published today.

  19. Mathematical Reviews.
  20. Zeitschrift für Mathematik und ihre Grenzegebeite.

    N.B. The articles you are reading for library assignment two must deal with the history of mathematics; straight mathematics is not acceptable.


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Posted 14 December 1996.